Connector for the Garden frontend implemented using Aragon Connect. It connects to a garden subgraph created using The Graph indexing protocol.
The garden subgraph collects, stores and indexes garden-related data from the blockchain and serves it through a GraphQL endpoint. The connector is an abstraction over this subgraph which offers an API that can be use by any client to fetch data.
Check out the documentation for an in-depth explanation of the API.
Add the following dependencies to your project:
yarn add @1hive/connect
yarn add @1hive/connect-gardens
Import them:
import connect from '@1hive/connect'
import { connectGarden } from '@1hive/connect-gardens'
Set up the connector:
const org = await connect(DAO_ADDRESS_OR_ENS, 'thegraph', { network: CHAIN_ID })
const gardenConnector = await connectGarden(org)
Add the following dependencies to your project:
yarn add @1hive/connect-react
yarn add @1hive/connect-gardens
Wrap your main <App/>
component in the <Connect/>
component provided by the @1hive/connect-react
import { Connect } from '@1hive/connect-react'
network: CHAIN_ID,
<App />
Set up the connector:
import {
} from '@1hive/connect-react'
function App() {
const [gardenConnector, setGardenConnector] = useState(null)
const [organization] = useOrganization()
useEffect(() => {
if (!organization) {
let cancelled = false
const fetchGardenConnector = async () => {
try {
const gardenConnector = await connectGarden(organization)
if (!cancelled) {
} catch (err) {
console.error(`Error fetching hatch connector: ${err}`)
return () => {
cancelled = true
}, [organization])
Below there is an example of how to fetch 100 proposals, sorted in ascending order by their creation time and skipping the first 50. Filtering by all proposal types and all proposal statuses with an empty metadata (proposal name) filter.
const ALL_PROPOSAL_TYPES = [0, 1, 2] // [Suggestion, Proposal, Decision]
const ALL_PROPOSAL_TYPES = [0, 1, 2, 3] // [Suggestion, Proposal, Decision, Stream]
const proposals = await gardenConnector.proposals({
first: 100,
skip: 50,
orderBy: 'createdAt',
orderDirection: 'asc',
metadata: ''
This is an example of how to set a proposals data subscription of the first 20 proposals, sorted in descending order by their creation time and skipping the first 5. Filtering by proposals of type Suggestion and Proposal with Active status and that has metadata "funding" in their names.
const handler = gardenConnector.onProposals(
first: 20,
skip: 5,
orderBy: 'totalAmount',
orderDirection: 'desc',
types: [0, 1],
statuses: [0],
metadata: 'funding'
proposals => {
console.log('Updated proposals: ', proposals)
// ...
This is an example of how to create a React hook to fetch a list of Gardens order by they HNY liquidity.
import { getGardens } from '@1hive/connect-gardens'
function useGardensList() {
const [gardens, setGardens] = useState([])
const [loading, setLoading] = useState(true)
useEffect(() => {
const fetchGardens = async () => {
try {
const result = await getGardens(
{ network: CHAIN_ID },
{ orderBy: 'honeyLiquidity' }
} catch (err) {
console.error(`Error fetching gardens ${err}`)
}, [sorting.queryArgs])
return [gardens, loading]
This is an example of how to create a React hook to fetch a user data given their address.
import { getUser } from '@1hive/connect-gardens'
function useUser(address) {
const [user, setUser] = useState(null)
const mounted = useMounted()
useEffect(() => {
if (!address) {
const fetchUser = async () => {
try {
const user = await getUser(
{ network: CHAIN_ID },
{ id: address.toLowerCase() }
if (mounted()) {
} catch (err) {
console.error(`Failed to fetch user: ${err}`)
}, [address, mounted])
return user
For more information check out the Aragon Connect docs.
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Please check out our open Issues to get started.
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